Throughout all of Super Bowl Sunday, Mountain Dew and Doritos started the biggest brand feud on Twitter. DEW's Morgan Freeman and Missy Elliott squared off against Doritos' Peter Dinklage and Busta Rhymes in the most talked about commercial during Super Bowl 52.​​​​​​​
Twitter Brand Feud
Throughout the entire day, DEW faced off with Doritos and pitted fans against each other. Using hashtags #ICECOLD and #SPITFIRE, the brand feud generated a peak of over 11,000 tweets per minute and ultimately won Twitter's #BrandBowl52 Blitz Award. I was the lead Creative/Community Manager throughout the day and led the conversation on Mountain Dew's end. By crafting and housing original GIFs, we were able to respond in real-time with unique responses that resonated with fans and created amazing 1-to-1 interactions.​​​​​​​

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